Monday, 18 October 2010

tourney at ah soo

so today wanted to play test a deck that i lend from a friend of and went to ah soo to see if the people there are making a tourney and
the result yes lol

deck used : scrap geartown lol

round 1: vs machiners gadget 0-0

game 1 : he start 1st ,had a very good hand had a squall and chimera and granel and terrforming
and geartown and slowly beat him down

game 2 :had a cyber dragon on hand ready to contact, he summon red gadget then summon machiner fortess wack me
next turn i set card (book of moon) just in case he otk me. he summon red gadget and all wack me then i left 1200
next turn summon cyber dragon contact into 4000 wack him as he was open. next turn he summon fortess and green gadget
wack my chimeratech and use gadget to wack me lol

game 3:same as game 1 and beat him down wif granel and ancient gear dragon lol

round 2:vs herald of perfection

game 1:he start first and summon herald and start to lock down

game 2: same as game one but did a mistake i did not summon granel when had the chance lol

as there will be a bye and the there are only four prize and it was very late so players like me who had 1 win and 1lost
had to draw lots and the person who got a black card will be out of the tourney so i played very long as i was up against
herald so there is still a black card in one out of 2 cards and a friend of mine got to pick lot first and got a amazing black
card lol so i advance lol

round 3:vs BF
game 1 :he god bird me and make me -1 and after that i lost from there

game 2 : i send scrap beast to grave and summon chimera and he god bird me ,i summon granel and wack he had another god bird and bf monster on the field and did god bird and i chain starlight road he chain solem and i did mine too and won lol

so we shared prize in the end he won 1st and we shared pirze lol

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